When using electroless nickel plating solution for production, what work needs to be done before plating steel parts with electroless nickel?

When using electroless nickel plating solution for production, what work needs to be done before plating steel parts with electroless nickel?

Thu Jun 29 11:42:21 CST 2023

We all know that the process of electroless nickel plating is different from other electroplating processes, and the requirements for pre-treatment are also quite strict. So, in the production process of using chemical nickel plating solution, what work needs to be done well for steel parts before chemical nickel plating?

Based on on-site experience and the characteristics of Ni-809 electroless nickel plating solution, Bigley Technology has analyzed the following five aspects that need to be noted:

1. The problem of plating resistance on non plated surfaces of workpieces. Some workpieces only need to be partially plated with chemical nickel, which requires shielding materials to protect the non plated parts. Commonly used proportioning materials include pressure sensitive tape, coatings, specialized plastic fixtures, etc.

2. Chemical degreasing. The workpiece is hot dipped in a chemical degreasing solution for cleaning, which can remove surface dirt and maintain cleanliness. If using Bigley's BC-1101 degreasing powder, the concentration should be controlled between 40-60g/L, and the temperature should be maintained between 50-80 ℃. During hot immersion, stirring and spraying can be used to remove dirt on the surface of the workpiece.

3. Electrolytic degreasing. The method of electrolytic oil removal is to use the workpiece as the anode, which generates a lot of hydrogen gas on the surface of the workpiece to increase the cleaning effect and remove dirt. It is often used for precision parts. If Bigley's electrolytic degreasing powder T-28 is used, the concentration should be controlled between 60-90g/L, and the temperature should be maintained between 50-65 ℃, which can effectively remove the dirt embedded on the workpiece.

4. Acid salt activation. The use of acid salt activation solution can quickly remove oxide skin and rust spots on the surface of the workpiece. If Bigley's acid salt activation solution BC-629 is used, at a concentration of 120g/L, it only takes 15-30 seconds to completely remove the oxide skin, rust spots, and black film on the surface of the workpiece.

5. Wash with water. The purpose of the water washing process is to prevent the solution brought out by the previous process from polluting the next process, and to remove dirt, metal ion pollution, and electrode mud from the surface of the workpiece, ensuring that the workpiece coating has good adhesion.

So, in the production process of using electroless nickel plating solution, we need to pay attention to the above five processes to ensure that the chemical nickel coating on the workpiece has good coating quality, reduce the occurrence of faults, and improve production efficiency. If you are interested in chemical nickel plating solution, please contact Bigley customer service to obtain free samples and detailed technical information!

If you want to learn more about chemical nickel, you can click to view the "Electroplating Encyclopedia".