Is the longer the service life of the plating solution better when using chemical copper plating additives?

Is the longer the service life of the plating solution better when using chemical copper plating additives?

Sat Jul 29 16:58:24 CST 2023

Some customers believe that when using chemical copper plating additives in continuous production, the longer the service life of the plating solution, the better. Is this idea correct?

Bigley Technology conducted an analysis based on on-site experience and the characteristics of the HSECu-801 additive for chemical copper plating, but this idea is actually incorrect. Because we consider whether to continue using or replacing the chemical copper plating solution, this cannot be solely based on whether the coating can be deposited normally, but should be based on considering whether the chemical copper coating can be deposited normally and the consumption of additives is low.

Generally, after using our chemical copper plating solution for a long time, the activity of the plating solution is high. One shift of production consumes 10-15 liters of copper additives and more than 1-1.5 liters of stabilizers for an 800 liter plating solution. At this time, only adjusting the plating solution according to the analysis results can still produce normally, and the performance and quality of the coating are also good, but the consumption of additives is too large. Why not reopen the cylinder in this situation? Because after reopening the cylinder, only 3 liters of copper additive and 0.3 liters of stabilizer are consumed in each shift of production, it is obvious that the consumption of chemical copper plating additives is much lower.

Therefore, the viewpoint that the longer the service life of chemical copper plating solution, the better is incorrect, and it cannot achieve the goal of saving raw materials. Reducing costs is actually wasting raw materials and increasing costs. In the production process of using chemical copper plating additives, when the specific gravity of the plating solution reaches 1.10, the cylinder should be reopened. At the same time, attention should be paid to the correct use and maintenance of the chemical copper plating solution, as well as the measurement and control of copper deposition rate. This not only ensures good performance and quality of the deposited chemical copper coating, but also reduces the consumption of additives. If you are interested in chemical copper plating additives, please contact Bigley customer service to obtain free samples and detailed technical information!

If you want to learn more about chemical copper plating, you can check the "Industry News".