How to select and maintain the anode plate when using alkaline zincate zinc plating brightener for production?

How to select and maintain the anode plate when using alkaline zincate zinc plating brightener for production?

Fri Oct 20 17:48:25 CST 2023

A customer inquired about how to select and maintain anode plates during the production process of using alkaline zincate zinc plating brightener?

Based on on-site experience and the characteristics of the alkaline zincate zinc plating brightener BZ-515, Bigley Technology analyzed the following 5 points to pay attention to when selecting and maintaining anode plates in production:

1. Choose high-purity zinc plate No. 0, which can not only increase the anode current density but also achieve uniformity in anode dissolution, making it difficult for the anode to be passivated; At the same time, it reduces the generation of anode sludge, effectively ensuring the stability of the coating and reducing the occurrence of faults.

2. To keep the main surface of the workpiece parallel to the anode, the distance between different parts of the cathode and the anode can be reduced. If necessary, pictorial or auxiliary anodes can be selected.

3. During the production process, the cathode current density and the ratio of cathode to anode area are used to determine the layout of the anode. By increasing the distribution of current density at the cathode through the distribution of the anode, the stability of the plating solution is maintained. The ratio of the area of the anode to the area of the cathode should generally be between 1:1.0 and 1.5.

4. The area ratio of soluble anode to insoluble anode can ensure the normal dissolution of the anode, while preventing anode passivation and maintaining the stability of the plating solution.

5. To eliminate adverse phenomena such as poor contact of the hook, and to strengthen the cleaning and maintenance of the anode plate and anode bag, it can ensure the normal operation of the anode and reduce the failure rate.

Therefore, in the production process of using alkaline zincate zinc plating brightener, the selection and maintenance of anode plates should pay attention to the above five points, effectively maintaining the stability of the plating solution and reducing the occurrence of faults. If you are interested in alkaline zincate zinc plating brightener, please contact Bigley customer service to obtain free samples and detailed technical information!

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